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ProteinRetinoblastoma-like protein 1
OrganismHomo sapiens
Sequence LLPS PhaSepDB
Network xml rdf
  :order   disorder   conflict   PDB cluster   ProS   Pfam Domain   SEG
 order/disorder by at least rule
     disorder by at least rule
     order by at least rule
 order/disorder by majority rule
Seq 391-599 Hetero dimer : Q5ZJQ3
 Evidence X-RAY 4yos A Reference
       Region 4yos A 391-593 order
       Region 4yos A 594-599 disorder
Seq 391-600,784-887,925-952,961-968 Hetero dimer : Q52LA3
 Evidence X-RAY 4yoo A Reference
       Region 4yoo A 391-593 order
       Region 4yoo A 594-600 disorder
       Region 4yoo A 784-885 order
       Region 4yoo A 886-887 disorder
       Region 4yoo A 925-952 order
       Region 4yoo A 961-968 order
Seq 391-593,777-972 Hetero dimer : P03129
 Evidence X-RAY 4yoz A Reference
       Region 4yoz A 391-593 order
       Region 4yoz A 777-779 disorder
       Region 4yoz A 780-885 order
       Region 4yoz A 886-887 disorder
       Region 4yoz A 888-923 order
       Region 4yoz A 924-925 disorder
       Region 4yoz A 926-949 order
       Region 4yoz A 950-961 disorder
       Region 4yoz A 962-967 order
       Region 4yoz A 968-972 disorder
Seq 653-663 Hetero trimer : IID00032Complex
 Evidence X-RAY 1h28 F Reference
       Region 1h28 F 653-655 disorder
       Region 1h28 F 656-663 order
 Evidence X-RAY 1h28 E Reference
       Region 1h28 E 653-653 disorder
       Region 1h28 E 654-663 order
Seq 994-1031 Hetero trimer : IID00076Complex,Q15329
 Evidence X-RAY 5tuv F Reference
       Region 5tuv F 994-1000 disorder
       Region 5tuv F 1001-1024 order
       Region 5tuv F 1025-1031 disorder
 Evidence X-RAY 5tuv C Reference
       Region 5tuv C 994-999 disorder
       Region 5tuv C 1000-1028 order
       Region 5tuv C 1029-1031 disorder
SeqProS possible 654-663 This region binds to CyclinA in the same surface to which p53, p27, E2F1, and Rb bind. Similar fragments of p53 and p27 are verified ProS. Hetero trimer : IID00032Complex
       Region 1h28 E 654-663 order
       Region 1h28 F 656-663 order
SeqProS predicted 1001-1024 The unbound state of this region is predicted to be disordered by DICHOT and Foldindex. Hetero trimer : IID00076Complex,Q15329
       Region 5tuv C 1000-1028 order
       Region 5tuv F 1001-1024 order
    749-749 Phosphoserine
    369-369 Phosphothreonine; by CDK4
    332-332 Phosphothreonine; by CDK2
    385-385 Phosphothreonine; by CDK2
    640-640 Phosphoserine; by CDK2 and CDK4
    650-650 Phosphoserine
    762-762 Phosphoserine; by CDK2
    964-964 Phosphoserine; by CDK2 and CDK4
    975-975 Phosphoserine; by CDK2 and CDK4
    988-988 Phosphoserine; by CDK2
    997-997 Phosphothreonine; by CDK2
    1009-1009 Phosphoserine; by CDK2
    1041-1041 Phosphoserine
Disorder 1-14,157-164,333-383,595-783,890-925,957-1001,1013-1016,1024-1068
Order 15-150,165-332,384-594,784-889,926-952,1002-1012,1017-1023
ProS 157-164,333-356,373-383,595-627,644-651,658-662,700-704,719-725,733-739,762-766,978-991,1013-1016,1031-1037,1049-1065
Disorder 1-10,71-81,153-164,190-190,333-383,445-451,599-642,649-781,887-924,952-958,969-977,980-982,990-1000,1024-1059,1061-1068
Order 11-70,82-152,165-189,191-332,384-444,452-598,643-648,782-886,925-951,959-968,978-979,983-989,1001-1023,1060-1060
Pfam Hmmer
PF01858 385-578 2.3e-120
PF01857 786-944 7.5e-111
SEG 8-20 ,609-618
Function in SwissProt
Key regulator of entry into cell division (PubMed:17671431). Directly involved in heterochromatin formation by maintaining overall chromatin structure and, in particular, that of constitutive heterochromatin by stabilizing histone methylation (By similarity). Recruits and targets histone methyltransferases KMT5B and KMT5C, leading to epigenetic transcriptional repression (By similarity). Controls histone H4 'Lys-20' trimethylation (By similarity). Probably acts as a transcription repressor by recruiting chromatin-modifying enzymes to promoters (By similarity). Potent inhibitor of E2F-mediated trans-activation (PubMed:8319904). May act as a tumor suppressor (PubMed:8319904).
Biological Process
Diagram with PDB data
RBL1/E2F5/TFDP1Crystal structure of the E2F5-DP1-p107 ternary complex
See also
Diagram with PDB data
HDAC1/RBL1p107 pocket domain complexed with HDAC1 peptide